
Picture this…
Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second. Marc Riboud
The significance of imagery has only intensified with the rise of the digital age and social media interaction. Using photographic images allows you to have a direct route to engage with your audience; to endear yourself to them, to display your products and services, to give a professional feel to your marketing materials, your website and PR campaigns. At icd we help you navigate any copyright issues whilst exploring all the options…
- Using your own photographs – Public perception is key; if your photographs don’t look professional (consider composition, lighting etc.) then you may well lose custom. There are sources of free, legal images. But the quality of these images can be lower than paid-for images. The better quality free images can also be over-used, making them less effective if they have been seen over and over.
- Selecting from our stock images – This options means you can select professional images, that have the correct license for your use and we can advise by filtering out more commonly used so yours will stand above your competitors. These royalty-free images allow for versatile use which can facilitate a very cost effective brand to be built.
- Employing our professional photographers – Our photographers produce stunning pictures, unique to your business. You will stand apart from your competitors and, by ensuring the images compliment and reinforce your brand, they will help not only attract new customers but retain existing business through positive brand association.